Calculating employee expenses.

Our commercial landscape is constantly changing, and your business changes with it. Calculating employee expenses accurately in a dynamic world is easier said than done. Gaining insights into current labour costs and the effect of current and future developments on those costs is crucial in acting and formulating strategies. Scroll down to read how we can help!

What it brings

How we help

We help you gain grip on your labour costs and generate future, and current, insights on an individual level. Clear, user friendly dashboards help make all the data visual so that you and other stakeholders have access to the most relevant information.

Together we make sure that:
You can calculate every conceivable personnel scenario in a quick and error-free manner. All presented in a well-arranged dashboard;
You can map your labour costs at any time from multiple data sources;
You can include all employees in your analysis (including external employees);
Your own collective labour agreements and models are taken into account.

The possibilities are endless

These are a few examples of the possibilities where we can assist:
Budget forecast, based on real payroll data and the index forecasts for your sector;
Implementing collective changes or individual adjustments;
Perform heavy, complex calculations in an instant;
Comprehensive reporting and graphs, including delta reporting;
Constant monitoring of the actual labour costs compared to your simulations.

What it brings

Advantages for employers calculating employer expenses

Hans Kroese

Managing director

Calculating employee expenses.

Our commercial landscape is constantly changing, and your business changes with it. Calculating employee expenses accurately in a dynamic world is easier said than done. Gaining insights into current labour costs and the effect of current and future developments on those costs is crucial in acting and formulating strategies. Scroll down to read how we can help!

How we help

We help you gain grip on your labour costs and generate future, and current, insights on an individual level. Clear, user friendly dashboards help make all the data visual so that you and other stakeholders have access to the most relevant information.

Together we make sure that:
You can calculate every conceivable personnel scenario in a quick and error-free manner. All presented in a well-arranged dashboard;
You can map your labour costs at any time from multiple data sources;
You can include all employees in your analysis (including external employees);
Your own collective labour agreements and models are taken into account.

The possibilities are endless

These are a few examples of the possibilities where we can assist:
Budget forecast, based on real payroll data and the index forecasts for your sector;
Implementing collective changes or individual adjustments;
Perform heavy, complex calculations in an instant;
Comprehensive reporting and graphs, including delta reporting;
Constant monitoring of the actual labour costs compared to your simulations.


Every organisation is different, and that’s why we set up a dashboard that’s fully focused on your wishes and needs. Would you like to discuss this in more detail to find out what we can do for your organisation? Then schedule an appointment with Hans for an exploratory call!

These clients preceded you


Every organisation is different, and that’s why we set up a dashboard that’s fully focused on your wishes and needs. Would you like to discuss this in more detail to find out what we can do for your organisation? Then schedule an appointment with Hans for an exploratory call!

These clients preceded you